Kodak Mini Shot

Instant cameras and printers at CES

Walking around the halls of the Consumer Electronics Show I stopped at a second Kodak booth. After talking to one of the reps at this booth I learned that these products are produced by a third party under license to use the Kodak name and brand.

Here the company was showing off a slightly different set of instant print cameras and easy to use printers.

Mini Shot 2 makes 2″ x 3″ instant prints. Costs $129 with cartridges for 68 photos.
Mini 2 Retro printer for 2″ x 3″ prints. Costs $99 with cartridges for 68 photos.
Dock ERA for 4″ x 6″ prints. Costs $139 with cartridges for 90 photos.
Mini 3 ERA for 3″ x 3″ prints. Costs $119 with cartridges for 68 prints.
This is a cartridge containing the 3″ print paper

At this booth there were several other camera and printers with various features. For more information on these and other offerings please visit Kodak

Written by:

Arnie Lee

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