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Animals in Yellowstone

10th September 2023

Visiting Yellowstone

Yellowstone Wildlife


I’m a frequent visitor to Yellowstone National Park with its abundance of unique thermal features – geysers, mud pots, steam vents, hot springs.

Yellowstone also is home to amazing wildlife.

While I took many more pictures than presented here, below are some of the ones that I liked best from my last visit this year. There isn’t much text here, just the visuals.

A pair of sand hill cranes in the Lamar Valley

a prairie dog near the Old Faithful Geyser

a dusky grouse near the northeast entrance

a bison in the field at the Midway Geyser Basin

a mule deer foraging near Lewis Lake

a pair of mountain goats in the Baronette Mtns – they were about 1/2 mile away

a bison calf with Mom crossing the road in the Lamar Valley

a black bear near Slough Creek

Yellowstone as with most of our national parks is one of those places where you can find scenes and wildlife to photograph and experience everywhere you go. Hoping that you get to have the experience of visiting a national park.


Written by: Arnie Lee


Humorous Photos

16th September 2022

Pictures With No Other Purpose Other Than Fun

The majority of my photos are portraits, events, scenery, wildlife or commercial work for business.

Every once in a while I run across a situation that is hilarious or just plain funny. Below are from those occasions which I caught on camera.

 cc-by-ndlicense logo   This work by Arnie Lee is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Have you injected a little humor into your photography?
Written by: Arnie Lee

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Close Ups

16th September 2022

With the naked eye, it’s often difficult or impossible to see the detail of smaller objects.
Most modern cameras and cellphones have lenses that can focus close enough to capture some of this detail.

When shooting up close I try to have good lighting, careful focus and a steady hand (or better yet a tripod) to keep the images as in focus as possible.

Below are some of the pictures that I’ve been able to photograph up close without using any special camera equipment.

 cc-by-ndlicense logo   This work by Arnie Lee is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Whatever type of camera that you’re using you’re probably equipped to take close ups. It not only interesting to see your subjects up close with lots of detail, it’s fun too.
Written by: Arnie Lee

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