Shooting Birds in Florida

Getting Close to the Action

Earlier this month I spent a few days in Florida shooting birds.


In particular I visited two places that I knew was home to many of our flying friends. One is Green Cay Nature Center & Wetlands in Delray Beach. The second is the town of Flamingo in the Everglades National Park where a boat toured the brackish backwaters among the mangroves. I enjoyed my time at both of these locations.


Thankfully I was able to get close ups of the wildlife yet stay far enough away from the birds by using a long telephoto lens.


 cc-by-ndlicense logo   This work by Arnie Lee is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND 4.0)

To find information about the Green Cay Nature Center & Wetlands:click here.

To book a two hour backwater boat tour in the Everglades from Flamingo Adventures click here.



Written by: Arnie Lee

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